Saturday, March 21, 2009

A long journey....

WOW!! What can I say....13 years, 15 pageant, some advice, and a lot of criticism, but here I am...Ms. Delaware United States 2009! And what a whirlwind first week it has been!

Right after the pageant, there was a lot of flashes from different cameras, and I remember feeling that my ankle had probably swelled to the size of a lemon (I tripped back stage....I'm kind of clumsy actually and the heels weren't helping). Graziella Baratta, Ms. United States 2008, was awesome! We spoke shortly after the pageant, and I had the privilege of an live webchat interview with her this past week as well (go to and check out the archives). Already I'm planning some events that are going to be big time fun and full of health and fitness. I started this blog. I met with Siouxzan. And of course, I'm starting to prepare for the Ms. United States Pageant in Las Vegas!!

I want to thank the judges, Siouxzan and Moore Pageant Productions, and my sister contestants! The ladies in the Ms. division were all wonderful!! Jessica and I have been competing together for over 10's incredible to think of the friendships that can be created out of a common interest and goal. I got to know many of the women who competed, and I hope to see them next year. I'm looking forward to a fabulous year with Marci, Mrs. Delaware United States 2009! Congrats again!

So bring on 2009 and let the fun begin!! Until next time.....VIVA LAS VEGAS!!!! :)

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